Bockus International Society of Gastroenterology
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Welcome to the new Bockus Society of Gastroenterology website! This website has been designed for you to have access to various materials as well as access to each other. Please feel free to login to your account page and add any information about yourself that you would like the others to know. You will also find access to membership applications and the research grant application as well as links to articles published by members. You can even pay your dues here. Please enjoy the website and discover our rich history!
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2024 Congress Oslo, Norway
The Bockus International Society of Gastroenterology is dedicated to advancing global excellence in gastrointestinal research, education, and clinical care. We are more than a fellowship; we are also about friendship and collaboration. The Society follows the core principle of its founder, Dr. Henry Leroy Bockus, who hosted the first World Congress of Gastroenterology in 1956. It is a transparent society where all duly nominated members’ views are respected regardless of their career stage. Through collaboration, innovation, and advocacy, we strive to enhance the worldwide understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of gastrointestinal and liver diseases. The most up-to-date advances in our field are presented and debated at our international meetings, which local gastroenterologists and organizations attend as they recognize the expertise and knowledge of our members. Committed to fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and the highest standards of patient care, we aim to empower healthcare professionals to improve digestive health outcomes and quality of life.
Mission Statement
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Did you know that Bockus membership offers access to published articles by your colleagues? It's called "Spotlight on Research" and it's located on the home page. Why not sign in and do some research of your own!
Bockus International Society of Gastroenterology was founded to familiarize newer generations of gastroenterologists with the huge impact of Dr Henry L Bockus in the teaching, research and practice of clinical gastroenterology, and his emphasis on international friendship, dedication and service. “Non sibi sed toti mundo” (“Not for self alone but for the whole world”). It was founded in 1958 in honour of Dr Henry L Bockus (1894–1982) by his former students, residents and fellows at the Graduate School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania but today includes trainees of his trainees.
Recent articles published by members
“Non sibi sed toti mundo”
(“Not for self alone but for the whole world”)